Our CEO is a big eater and a lover of all sweets all over the world, one day he decided to find a way of making the best selling sweets of the world and that is donut. But it wasn't all that easy, with a team of pastry chefs and bakers trying to make the best donut dough before they succeeded a year later.

Our Sweet Donuts are completely unique and different from the ordinary donuts sold around the world. First of all, it is the size and weight. A decorated and filled doughnut weighs over 200 grams and therefore we can charge a higher price for it and our customer has no problem with that, on the contrary, he is happy to pay extra for the quality and size. As they say, we eat with our eyes first.

We opened our first store in 2017 and until then we sold an average of 350 pcs per day without the support of delivery services and without selling at various street food events.

That's why we decided that we want to share our success and help create a stable franchise system for all interested parties.